Mercoledì, 18 Marzo 2009 01:12

Repower America contro l’inquinamento da carbonio

Scritto da  Gerardo

Presentiamo una nuova petizione di, nella speranza di unirci nell’operazione di risveglio delle coscienze civili, portandola oltre, quindi, l’attenzione del popolo statunitense.
Limitare l’inquinamento da carbonio – si legge nell’introduzione alla petizione – è il prossimo passo nel progetto di "Repower America", per far rinascere, possibilmente sotto migliori auspici, l’economia. Su questa strada, però, ci si imbatte nelle resistenze dell’industria dei combustibili fossili. In breve, occorre un’azione energica.
Nel seguito, il testo della comunicazione (in lingua inglese).

The most crucial battle in our movement to Repower America starts now.

Our transition to a clean, prosperous and forward-thinking America requires nothing less than bold, sweeping changes from Congress and the President.

But the powerful forces that have raked in billions of dollars with our struggling, fossil-fuel based economy are already lining up against change.

That's why, beginning with the President's budget and continuing in the months ahead, we must take every opportunity to support needed policies -- starting with capping carbon pollution and revitalizing our economy to ignite progress on clean energy.

Please, show our elected leaders that you are calling on them to take bold action. Will you lend your voice to the petition we'll be delivering to Congress and forward this message to five friends?

We're raising awareness and pushing for action on clean energy -- from kitchen tables in small towns, all the way to the halls of Washington.

Limiting carbon pollution is the next step in the plan to Repower America.

Acting on our scientists' advice to cap carbon dioxide emissions will usher in a new economic era -- creating jobs, launching new businesses, and bringing struggling communities back on their feet -- all while addressing the climate crisis.

Today, we are seeing opponents spin mis-truths in order to scare the public. They deny the need for change. They say we should keep polluting our air.

They're wrong. Clean energy works for America, and it's working.

It's working in Newton, Iowa, which could have been devastated in 2007 when Maytag closed down a major manufacturing plant that had anchored the town for a hundred years. Today, Newton boasts two wind energy farms and opened a new turbine manufacturing plant last year, even amidst grim news from other areas of our economy. That's new jobs for the people of Iowa.

It's working in Greenville, Michigan, where United Solar brought new green jobs in 2006, after Greenville's Electrolux plant announced their move to Mexico. United Solar has expanded in Greenville and will be building another manufacturing facility in Battle Creek.

This is the change we need all over America -- to put our country back on track, and solve the climate crisis at the same time. The voice for the status quo is powerful and well-funded. And we must beat it.

In the months to come, we'll be growing our movement with new efforts to meet this challenge. Join us in supporting bold action to cap carbon pollution. Forward this message to others and ask them to join our effort to Repower America.

Cathy Zoi

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