Mercoledì, 21 Luglio 2010 15:01

What keeps me fighting is the folks we're fighting for

Scritto da  Gerardo

Riceviamo da David Boundy, di Repower, un appello e un invito che prontamente divulghiamo (in inglese).

One story that's stuck with me is Michael Karder's. He's struggling to bring manufacturing jobs back to Akron, Ohio building wind turbines – because he knows clean energy is the future of our economy.

This video is exactly why I'm in this movement – and you should see it.

Watch Michael Karder's story and help him fight for our clean energy future.
Michael's voice and the voices of others like him are so powerful that next week we're planning to bring hundreds of Americans – Gulf Coast residents, veterans and clean energy manufacturers – to Washington, D.C. to remind our Senators why they need to be champions for clean energy and climate.

But their voices will be even more powerful if we join ours with theirs.

You can stand with these real American voices for clean energy by signing our letter to the Senate demanding strong climate and clean energy legislation, and our grassroots advocates will deliver it during their meetings in the Senate.

We already have 67,000 signatures!
It's bewildering that despite catastrophic disasters and undeniable public outrage, so many Senators are still struggling to find their backbone on comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation.

Next week, we're going to remind them why we need action in a powerful way, and you can be a part of it.

Watch Michael's story and add your name before we deliver it to the Senate.


David Boundy
Campaign Manager
The Climate Protection Action Fund's Repower America
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