Sabato, 18 Settembre 2010 18:26

L'aria pulita è di tutti!

Scritto da  Gerardo

Il movimento Repower condivide una semplice ma potente convinzione: Clean air belongs to all of us.
Alec Baldwin, Kris Kristofferson e migliaia di altri supporters stanno prendendo parte al video...che puoi vedere nel seguito!

We share a simple but powerful belief: Clean air belongs to all of us.
But right now, big oil, dirty coal and their allies in Congress are busy acting like the air belongs to them. They've renewed their multi-million dollar assault on the Clean Air Act -- a piece of legislation that has successfully protected public health and the environment by keeping big polluters in check for four decades.

We need more people to get involved and stop them from gutting this crucial law.

That's why Alec Baldwin, Kris Kristofferson and thousands of supporters are taking part in a new video to help spread the word about our fight to protect clean air.

This week marks the 40th anniversary of this crucial law -- a day to celebrate 40 years of progress. But if the fossil fuel industry gets its way, we will be helpless to stop polluters from dumping hundreds of thousands of tons of greenhouse gases into the air each year, as if it were an open sewer.

And that's exactly what they want: a toothless Clean Air Act, a misinformed public and a bottom line that stays fat and secure while the planet chokes on their harmful pollution.

This new video is our rallying cry. It's a declaration that we won't stay quiet while we lose our last, best line of defense against big polluters.

And right now, you can help make sure it will be seen by as many people as possible.

Check out our Clean Air Act video and help us spread its vitally important message.

Clean air isn't just our right -- it's also the legacy we will leave for future generations. Please get involved and help protect the Clean Air Act for today, tomorrow and all of us.

Thanks for taking action today,

Dave Boundy
Campaign Manager
The Climate Protection Action Fund's Repower America campaign
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