Giovedì, 06 Novembre 2008 22:13

Continuano le presentazioni

Scritto da  Gerardo

Regione Toscana, Consiglio Regionale - Gruppo Consiliare "Verdi per l'Unione"
Presso l’Agriturismo la Colmata - Località Montagnano (AR)
Alle radici della Toscana Contemporanea - Vita religiosa e società dalla fine dell'Ottocento al crollo della mezzadria.
Giovedì 21 novembre 2008 – ore 17.00 - 22.00
Nel seguito, il programma della presentazione, l’elenco dei partecipanti e altre informazioni.
Programma della presentazione
Ore 17.00: Visita guidata al Campo Solare - a cura di dott. Francesco Fracassi (geologo ed esperto di energie rinnovabili)
Ore 18.00: verrà offerto, ai partecipanti, un assaggio di prodotti tipici
Ore 18.30: Presentazione del libro e dibattito
Ore 20.30: Cena in agriturismo

Arch Luciano Senserini - Associazione Culturale "il Giogo"
Padre Antonio Airò - direttore dell’ufficio diocesano
Prof. Giovanni Galli - prof. letteratura e storia
Prof. Camillo Brezzi - Assessore alla Cultura Comune di Arezzo
Introduzione a cura della Francesca Pasquini - giornalista
Per partecipare è necessaria la prenotazione entro il 19 Novembre

Info e prenotazioni
Tel. 055 2387 400 – 328 2781 395 – Fax 055 2387 422
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    [ advertisement ] Most games involve two or more teams that try to capture the opponent's flag and bring it back to their starting position. Sounds easy, but it really isn't. While trying to get to the flag you are bombarded by paintballs while hiding behind bunkers, trees, or what ever you can find. If you are hit, you can't play anymore. Depending on the type of game you are playing games can run anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.The following are different styles of paintball games that can be pla[censored] :Woodsball is pla[censored] in the woods where you can hide behind trees. There are basically 2 different types of games. One is Capture the Flag where you infiltrate the opponent's base, take the flag and bring it back to your base. Strategies for taking the flag as well as protecting your own flag need to be developed. The other woodsball game is Elimination. This one doesn't require fancy equipment or a flag. The idea is to be the last team standing wins.Scenario Paintball is good for those that have an imagination or trying to develop one. Here you put together a story of something that has transpired and the game is based off the story. It's sort of like an active Dungeon and Dragons thing. An example of a Scenario Paintball game is – their has been a threat against the President and now you and your team must defend him against the plotting of a terrorist group. One team would be the Secret Service and/or Homeland Security team and the other team would be the terrorist group. The US Army, Marines and some SWAT teams train using Scenario Paintball. These games can last from about 12 hours to several days. This is where the sport got the name "extreme". Scenario Paintball doesn't work well in an indoor field but an outdoor one will do very nicely.Speedball is pla[censored] in Tournament games. This game is very fast paced and there is a limit in how much time you can spend. The field is different too. There are boundaries in a speedball field whereas the other two aforementioned games do not have any boundaries. The field in Speedball can be no bigger than half a football field. In this field are placed inflatable bunkers. Speedball is especially adaptable to indoor fields. Woodsball and Scenario speedball don't have a lot of rules attached to them, what ever happens, happens. But Speedball has a host of rules and regulations to make sure the game is pla[censored] fair. Certain equipment must be used and you can't go out of that realm while playing speedball.Stock Cl[censored] Paintball is another style that only uses the old pump paintball guns that can't hold more than 20 paintballs at a time. You can either play Capture the Flag or Elimination.Join in the thousands who enjoy paintball and see what all the hype is about. You may be one of those thousands who plays the game more than 15 times a year. Mike regularly writes for , they carry such paintball equipment as the Empire Invert Mini and the SP8 Paintball Gun, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.If a consensus arises about what needs to be done to improve so area&. Yes, whilst others are charging thousands we are charging only hundreds for a premium product.And it.Such a peeful spot, Lowell! I love that lamp!
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