Mercoledì, 08 Ottobre 2008 02:19

Un altro “Information Day”

Scritto da  Gerardo

Questa volta, l’invito è per il 23 ottobre 2008, sempre a Bruxelles e oggetto della “informazione” sarà la "Piattaforma sociale per la ricerca sulle famiglie e sulle politiche familiari".
Nel seguito, il testo originale (in inglese).
Buona lettura!

Invitation to participate in an Information Day on "Social Platform on Research for Families and Family Policies" on 23/10/2008 in Brussels.

Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
The Directorate for Research in the economic, social sciences and humanities (SSH) of DG Research of the European Commission is organising on 23/10/2008 in Brussels an Information (half) Day on the "Social Platform on Research for Families and Family Policies" (Topic SSH-2009 - 3.2.2 of the SSH Work Programme 2009, called for under the Call Identifier FP7-SSH-2009-C published on 3 September 2008). Further information is provided in the attached leaflet.

Based on a focussed, critical review of existing research, the social platform will bring together the related research community with stakeholder representatives, such as family associations, policy-makers or social partners. Its objective is to build an exchange between researchers and stakeholders on their needs and the outcomes of the studies.

The aim of this half-day event is to provide information on the topic of the call, on the (still new) instrument "social platform" and to allow potential proposers or participants to share project ideas or to present their specific competence for the creation of project partnerships. The Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities Research Programme and its 2009 Work Programme, in the framewok of the 7th research programme of the European Commission will be presented.

Participation in the Info Day is subject to registration, without reimbursment of the costs of travel and accomodation by the European Commission. Due to the limited capacity of the meeting room (max. 80 persons), registrations will be accepted on a "first come-first served" basis. Please register before the 21st October 2007 by email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

Best regards,

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European Commission, DG Research, Unit RTD/L2
Research in the economic, social sciences and humanities
SDME 7/33 - B-1049 Brussel
tel.: +32-2-299.17.13
Fax: +32-2-296.21.37
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