Martedì, 28 Settembre 2021 00:44

Seminario internazionale sulla sociologia narrativa

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Martedì 5 ottobre, nell'Aula Volpi di Roma Tre si terrà una giornata internazionale di studi dedicata alla "narrative sociology". Info e dettagli.



Roma Tre University (Aula Volpi)
October 5th, 2021
Via del Castro Pretorio, 20 - 00185 Roma

Conveners and discussants

Roberto Cipriani (Roma Tre University, Italy)
Enzo Pace (Padua University, Italy)


10.00 am Hans Geir Aasmundsen (University of Stavanger, Norway), “The Holistic Mission Narrative; a “roadmap” for global Evangelical and Pentecostal mission in the 21th century”.
10.20 am Øyvind Gjerstad (University of Bergen, Norway), “Narrative Structures in Argumentation: a linguistic approach to the study of religious and societal narratives”.


11.00 am Raffaella Leproni (Roma Tre University, Italy) – “Fine art readers. Shared narrative backgrounds to address a reading community”
11.20 am Guido Giarelli (University “Magna Græcia”, Italy) – “Care narratives in Integrated Oncology: preliminary results of a textual analysis with mixed methods”
11.40 am Mario Cardano (University of Turin, Italy) – “Focusing on argumentative structure in the discourses’ analysis”
12.00 am Marco Marzano (University of Bergamo, Italy) – “Uses and Abuses of Narrative in Qualitative Sociology”
12.20 am Antonio Maturo (University of Bologna, Italy) – “Disease, illness, sickness: From Triad to Trinity?”
12.40 am Lara Maestripieri (Polytechnic of Milan, Italy) – "Combining positioning and biographical trajectories: how I did it"

Lunch break

3.00 pm Stefania Palmisano (University of Turin) – “The Narrative Approach: How to discover spirituality in everyday life”
3.20 pm Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR, Italy) - "Global Pentecostalism: A Map"
3.40 pm Mariano Longo (Salento University, Italy) – “Narrative and the construction of meaning. On the cognitive value of telling stories”
4.00 pm Ilaria Riccioni (University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy) – “Reflections on narrative methods for a grounded theory and its role within qualitative sociology”
4.20 Milena Gammaitoni (Roma Tre University) – “Epistemological issues: the narration of female musicians fighting for social rights”
4.40 pm Ignazia Maria Bartholini (University of Palermo) - “New form of religiosity: from taking care of migrants to the political exercise of welcoming them”
5.00 pm Susanna Pallini, Giovanni Maria Vecchio (Roma Tre University) – “The relationship among children’s prosocial and aggressive behavior, sympathy and emotion regulation”


Da qui puoi scaricare il programma in versione PDF.


Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Religioso Contemporaneo
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