Venerdì, 26 Febbraio 2016 14:05

Implicit Religion Conference and Journal

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La 39a conferenza sul religioso implicito (Conference in Implicit Religion, fin qui nota come Denton Conference in Implicit Religion) si terrà al Sarum College (<Salisbury, Inghilterra, 20-22 maggio 2016).
Qui di seguito, in lingua inglese, trovi la presentazione di questo importante appuntamento, completa di info e contatti.

The Trustees of the Centre for Implicit Religion and Contemporary Spirituality (CSIRCS) are pleased to pass on the following information

The 39th Conference in Implicit Religion (formerly known as the Denton Conference in Implicit Religion) will take place from
Friday May 20th to Sunday 22nd May at
Sarum College, Salisbury UK

The Conference theme this year will be the notion, and indeed action, of “movement”.

An Inaugural Lecture, will be given by Professor Grace Davie, in memory of Edward Bailey. The lecture will be followed by time for discussion.
The conference will offer opportunity for 17 or 18 papers to be presented. As previously to enable confer-ing, presenters will be asked to distribute their papers in advance and then speak to them for 5 to 10 minutes only, thus allowing half an hour for the exchange of ideas.

A website has been created for the conference In addition to providing information about the conference, it is intended to fulfil the role Edward had for many years of seeking and encouraging new voices and ideas. This multi-platform website will include new blogs throughout the year, updates about the conference and by agreement with some of the speakers, video uploads of their talks at the conference (the discussion will not be taped or included).

Sarum College is an historic building, beautifully situated in the Cathedral Close in Salisbury. The College has good transport links and can offer accommodation for 30 people.

Cost £155 per person including accommodation and all meals.

Registration via

Further information from Francis Stewart Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

The 40th annual conference in Implicit Religion, will take place at Sarum College from 19 – 21 May 2017

The Journal of Implicit Religion

Equinox, the publishers of Implicit Religion are pleased to have appointed new editors for the journal who are Jack Laughlin of Sudbury University, Canada and David Robertson of the Religious Studies Project. The new editors have posted the following: "This international journal offers a platform for scholarship that challenges the traditional boundary between religion and non-religion and the tacit assumptions underlying this distinction. It invites contributions from a critical perspective on various cultural formations that are usually excluded from religion by the gatekeeping practices of the general public, practitioners, the law, and even some scholars of religion. Taking a broad scope, Implicit Religion showcases analyses of material from the mundane to the extraordinary, but always with critical questions in mind such as: why is this data boundary-challenging? what do such marginal cases tell us about boundary management and category formation with respect to religion? and what interests are being served through acts of inclusion and exclusion?"
A formal call for papers will follow soon. In the meantime, ideas for special issues, articles, review essays, symposia, are invited.

Other matters
Discussions are ongoing with Sarum College about the inclusion of implicit religion within some of their courses. Further information in due course.

The "implicit religion archive" is still looking for a new home. This extensive archive compiled by Edward Bailey consists of photocopied extracts with potential relevance to the implicit religion approach compiled from books and other publications. Most of the items are indexed thematically, but further work is needed to complete the indexing of the more recent materials. If anyone is interested in assisting with indexing or in making use of the archive, please contact Joanna Bailey via Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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