Mercoledì, 22 Novembre 2023 23:56

Global Religious Education (RE). Il numero 4/2023

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È disponibile il quarto numero di Global RE, il periodico di aggiornamento bibliografico a beneficio dei molti colleghi europei che operano come formatori universitari dei futuri insegnanti di religione. L'indice e il fascicolo da scaricare.


Global RE

September – October – November 2023 ● vol. 2, issue 4, pages 1-39
An International Bibliographic Bulletin on Religious Education & Religious Studies around the World.


Countries, Geographic areas
Afghanistan 30 - Africa 03,43,94 - Argentina 104,113 - Australia 77 - Austria 46,120,130 - Baltic Countries 122 - Belgium 04,89,91 - Bosnia-Herzegovina 17 - Brazil 06,12,14,24,57,82,104,111 - Canada 13 - Caribbean 37,83 - Chile 19 - Colombia 09,41,96 - Congo 74 - Costa Rica 93 - Croatia 42 - Denmark 121 - England 20,81,105,129 - Europe 11,25,27,36,53,58,63,80,85,97,106,125 - Finland 51,102,110,135 - France 29,38,127 - Germany 02,18,26,65,67,84,90,91,92,106,115,121,123,137 - Greece 22,33 - Iceland 55 - India 68 - Indonesia 08,34,50,70 - Ireland 21 - Israel 32 - Italy 16,28,60,78,87,99,101 - Latin America 37,83 - Lesotho 69 - Mediterranean area 87,108 - The Netherlands 39,59,119 - Nordic Countries 52 - Norway 121 - Poland 91 - Portugal 108 - Post-Sovietic Countries 126 - Québec 35,45,96,100,124 - Serbia 56,103 - Slovenia 64 - South Africa 10,43,62 - South Korea 21 - Spain 71,132,133 - Sweden 73,79,121,135 - Switzerland 15 - Taiwan 140 - Tanzania 128 - Turkey 91 - Uganda 49,117 - UK 72,91,139 - USA 05,07,23,80,114,138 - Uzbekistan 116 - Venezuela 95 - Vietnam 75 - Zambia 48.

Religions, Churches
Abrahamic Monotheisms 101 - Buddhism 75 - Catholicism 06,16,19,24,67,89,97,137 - Christianity 03 - Islam 03,18,27,30,53,91,116,117,123 - Judaism 88,138 - Orthodox Churches 22,56,85 - Protestantism 26,52,58,67, 90,119,125,137 - Shia Community 126 -Tribal Religions 03,48.94.

Scientific Approaches
Anthropology 09,13,43,56,136 - Biblical Studies 32,76,88,119 - Comparative Analysis 04,21, 109,122 - Epistemology 13,71,110,111 - Ethics 33,86,100 - History 17,30,52,58,76,85,88,99,108,112 - Law 18,21,38,45, 53,54,63,71,78,80,82,90,95,104,132,138 - Pedagogy/Didactics 10,15,32,41,42,44,57,61,62,65,66,73,83,93,98,101,121, 136,139 - Philosophy 28,77,86,101,139 - Politics/Policy 30,47,67,86,95,116,120,127,134,138 - Psychology 33,60,65, 103,121 - Religionspädagogik 11,39,65,84 - Religious Sciences 12,111,124 - Sociology 01,03,14,16,27,34,80, 85,98,112, 114,116, 122 - Theologies 52,58,62,77,107,136.

Institutions, Public Bodies
Aspen Institute 05 - Associação nacional de Educação Católica 06 - Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat 18 - Conferência nacional dos Bispos do Brazil 24 - Conseil de l’Europe 25 - EARS 29 - Eurydice 36 – Usaid 37 - Fondazione Bruno Kessler 87 - Gouvernement du Québec 45 - Humanists International 55 - Institute of Social Science Beograd 56 - Kultusministerkonferenz 67 - Ministero per gli Affari Esteri 87 - Observatório de Educación Venezolano 95 - Religious Education Council of England and Wales 105 - Rete Teologica Mediterranea 107 - UNESCO 130.

RE range
Buddhist education 75 - Catholic RE 24,41,67,78 - Challenging RE 20 - Decolonising RE 48,62,83,94, Denominational RE 109,132 - Interdisciplinary RE 57 - Interfaith RE 46,63 - Interreligious RE 57,62,101,117 - Islamic RE/Studies 91,102,123,130,133 - Konfessionell-kooperativer RU 46,115 - No-confessional RE 59,72,83,110,111 - Olfactorizing RE 61 - Protestant RE 67,125 - Religionskunde 03 - Religious Studies 72 - ‘Weak’ RE 39.

Main subjects
Adolescents/Students/Youth 16,27,34,44,56,60,64,65,75,97,103,118,121,129,130,135,136-Antisemitism 138 - Bible 32,76 - Catechism 58 - Catholic School 06,21 - Christian education 43,79,117,137 - Citizenship 45,89,134 - Constructivism 65 - Culture religieuse 35,45,124 - Curriculum 19,45,72,89,105,117,133 - Digital Literacy 34,44,92,140 - Early Childhood 27,51 - Education 08,31,36,37,51,71,84,94,95,131 - Ethics Education 73,124 - Faith-based education 37 - Freedom of Thought 55 - Gender 96 - Human rights 54,104,113 - Humanism 86 - Inclusion 69,130 - Internet 44,64 - Knowledge 49,77,114,136 - Moral education 33,68,89,94,134 - Music 42 - Peace Education 17,32,74 - Religion 08,40,47,96 - Religions 01,110 - Religiosity 56,97,111- Religious Diversity 54,69,71,90,111,120,140 - Religious Educator 23 - Religious Ethics 07,86 - Religious Freedom 14,53,54,80,104,122 - Religious Literacy 05,114 - Religious Minorities 87,106 - Religious Schools 59,79 - Religious socialisation 135 - Religious Studies 58,72 - School 09,40, Schulseelsorge 26 - Science 49,112 - Secularism/Laïcité 28,29,35,38,59,79,81,85,104,113,127 - Spirituality 01,41,93 - State/Church 08,24,45,104,108 - Syllabus 20,69,125,129 - Symbols 04,15,96,127 - Teacher 11,21,48,66,68,73,78,81,98,99,100,102, 115 - Textbook 50,57,66 - Tradition 88 - University 91,106,108,112 - Values 01,25,47,81,89,97 - Violence 10,14,17,60, 133 - Worldviews 105,110,139.

Typology: B = Book, e-Book, Essay, Thesis (total: 23 abstracts) • C Chapter in vol.(7 abstracts) • D Document, Act, Report (17 abstracts) • J Article in academic Journal (73 abstracts) • P Paper, Opinion, Project (12 abstracts) • T Tool for RE, Didactic support (7 abstracts).


Global RE

Global RE è un bollettino bibliografico multilingue con lo scopo di raccogliere una selezione di pubblicazioni accademiche su teorie e pratiche dell'educazione religiosa in tutto il mondo.

Da qui puoi scaricare o leggere il nuovo numero di Global RE, 2023/4 in versione PDF.


Global RE 2023 (issues 1,2,3,4) includes 611 entries/abstracts of:
85 Books and Master’s Theses, 60 Institutional Documents, 388 Journal Articles, 49 Working Papers, 7 Book Chapters, 22 Tools for RE
Abbonamento e disiscrizione sono gratuiti.
Prossimo numero: fine marzo 2024


Editor: Flavio Pajer, Biblioteca per le Scienze Religiose
La Salle International Campus – via San Giacomo 4 – 31017 Pieve del Grappa, Italia (UE).
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