Giovedì, 29 Febbraio 2024 13:14

Global Religious Education (RE). Il numero 1/2024

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È disponibile il primo numero del nuovo anno di Global RE, il periodico di aggiornamento bibliografico a beneficio dei molti colleghi europei che operano come formatori universitari dei futuri insegnanti di religione. La pubblicazione contiene 149 abstract, dei quali 25 volumi o tesi – 4 capitoli di libro – 14 documenti o dichiarazioni istituzionali – 58 articoli di riviste accademiche – 14 documenti di lavoro – 25 ricerche – 9 strumenti per la didattica delle religioni. Ne condividiamo l'indice e il fascicolo (PDF).

Global Religious Education (RE). Il numero 1/2024

December 2023 – January – February 2024 ● vol. 3, issue 1, pages 1-40
An International Bibliographic Bulletin on Religious Education & Religious Studies around the World.



Countries, Geographic areas
Africa 67 - Albania 48 - Algeria 15 - American South 69 - Arab World 56 - Australia 128 - Austria 17,106,138 - Bavaria 124 - Belgium 09,146 - Berlin-Brandenburg 124 - Bosnia Herzegovina 48,91 - Brasil 73,83 - Canada 12 - Chile 109 - China 105 - Colombia 53,77,136,148 - Croatia 46 - Denmark 124 - Egypt 97 - England-Wales 08,11,23,25,74,84,96 - Europe 18,20,21,22,24,36,37,50,55,58,104,121,141,144 - France 64,74 - Germany 29,51,54,57,65,74,92,135,141- Ghana 98 - Greece 137 - Kenia 87,115 - India 62 - Indonesia 14,94 - Ireland 95,123 - Israel 27,49,82,86 - Italy 07,10,19,43,45,113 - Japan 75,132 - Mexico 38 - New Zealand 89 - North Europe 32 - Norway 88,124 - Pakistan 139 - Palestine 27,86 - Perù 107 - Philippines 28 - Poland 75 - Québec 35 - Saudi Arabia 04 - Serbia 127,130 - South Africa 26,93 - Southeast Asia 30 - South Korea 60 - Spain 03,34,38,41,44, 68,74,142 - Sweden 16,124 - Switzerland 42,116 - UK 02,05,70,143 - USA 47,99 - Uzbekistan 117 - Vatican 101 - Western Australia 110 - Western Balkans 48 - World 59,62, 63,140 - Zambia 85.

Religions, Churches
Abrahamic religions 13,19,27,51,119 - Buddhism 90 - Catholicism 22,41 - Christianity 50,67,145,147 - Hebraism 19,24,27,82,91,126 - Islam 15,26,56,58,88,91,114 - Nsenga culture 85 - Orthodox Churches 99,127 - Protestantism 50,65,85,123 - Shinto 75,132.

Scientific Approaches
Anthropology 03,28,54,76,112,134 - Comparative Analysis 06,49,74,90 - Didactics 17,3441,68 - Epistemology 103,148 - Ethics 01,18,38,52,57,109,129,149 - History 02,42,50,104,126 - Law 36,37,50,58,59, 83,96, 117,135,145 - Pedagogy 04,07,29,31,32,41,46,53,71,87,129,148 - Philosophy 09,40,85,92,134 - Politics 104,117,137, 139 - Psychology 44,102,107,140 - Religionspädagogik 106,112 - Religious Sciences 57 - Shariah Studies 56,80 - Sociology 03,12,14,15,21,55,56,61,65,77,93,103,119,142 - Theologies 06,85,97,98,111.

Institutions, Public Bodies
Al-Azhar 97 - Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales 08 - Cambridgeshire County Council 11 - Canadian Human Rights Commission 12 - CEI & UCEI 19 - CEU-CEFAS 13 - COMECE 18 - Council of Europe 20,21,24 - European Court of Human Rights 137 - European Commission 36 - Interfaith Forum 62 - IPSOS 62 - LOMLOE 34,142 - Melbourne Archdiocese 78 - Ministère de l’Education nationale et de la Jeunesse 81 - New Zealand Government 89 - Österreichisches Religionspädagogisches Forum 106 - Santa Sede 101 - Staat Freiburg 125 - UCAnews 139 - UNESCO 140.

RE range
After religious education” Project 71 - Catholic RE 07,10,46,65,78,107,110 - Changing RE 07,14,70,92, 122,128,144 - Christian RE 87,115 - Critical RE 29 - Critical Secular Studies 66 - Debates in RE 05,42,51,144 - Denominational RE 130 - English RE 122 - Inclusive RE 51 - Intercultural RE 89,94 - Interdisciplinary RE 73 - Interreligious RE 14 - Islamic RE 15,33,39,97,117,120,138 - Multifaith RE 05 - Non-confessional RE 53,133,141 - Post-Colonial/Decolonial RE 106 - RE crisis 02 - World’s main Religions RE 16.

Main subjects
Adolescents/Students/Young 01,03,28,44,45,54,56,76,77,94,98,100,105,107,124,129,138,131,136 - Agreed Syllabus 11 - Antisemitism 36 - Artificial Intelligence 01,18,21,101,107 - Beliefs 37,47,63,83 - Bible 68,136 - Catholic School 08,78,95,121 - Citizenship education 33,86,146 - Cours philosophiques 09 - Christian school 30,85 - Critical Humanism 80 - Curriculum 08,30,34,39,41,70,78,128 - Digital Culture/Media 10,118,131 - Education 31,102 - Elementary school 04,16 - Ethnicity 48,49,89,123 - Evolution 54 - Female Students/Teachers 76,130 - Gender 60,115, 119,120 - Global citizenship 113,114 - Hate speech 36,140 - Holocaust 24,91 - Human Rights 88,135 - Inclusivity 84, 103, - Intercultural competence 20 - Intergenerational education 47,72 - Interreligious competence 03 - Interreligious dialogue 26,53 - Islamic veil 74 - Judicial pedagogy 37 - Knowledge 23,40,103,111,116 - Künstlicher Intelligenz 17 - Laïcité 64,81 - Moral education 132,149 - Music 43,46 - Pandemic impact 79 - Parents-childrens 72 - Peace education 101,107,113 - Religion 45,47,55,62,63,83,93,104 - Religions 62,139 - Religiosity 45,102,112 - Religious culture 118 - Religious diversity 48,125 - Religious freedom 58,72 - Religious tolerance 12,65 - Religious literacy 32,69 - Religious signs 74 - Religious studies 06 - Religious zeal 134 - Science vs religion 79,100 - Secondary school 76,87,128,136,148, 149 - Secularism 66,133,143 - Spiritual Intelligence 90 - Spirituality 45,102,105,110 - Syncretism 67 - Teacher 49,69, 95,130,135 - Textbooks 27,34 - Tolerance education 94 - Values 38,104 - Worldviews 06,23,25,79,84,96.

B Book, e-Book, Essay, Thesis – C Book Chapter – D Document, Act, Report – J Article, e-Article in academic Journal – P Paper, Project, Opinion – R Research, Inquiry, Survey – T Tool for RE, didactic Resource.


Global RE

Global RE è un bollettino bibliografico multilingue con lo scopo di raccogliere una selezione di pubblicazioni accademiche su teorie e pratiche dell'educazione religiosa in tutto il mondo.
Abbonamento e disiscrizione sono gratuiti.


Se vuoi puoi scaricare o leggere il nuovo numero di Global RE, 2024/1 in versione PDF.


Prossimo numero: fine aprile 2024


Editor: Flavio Pajer, Biblioteca per le Scienze Religiose
La Salle International Campus – via San Giacomo 4 – 31017 Pieve del Grappa, Italia (UE).
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