Domenica, 01 Settembre 2024 09:42

Global Religious Education (RE). Il numero 4/2024

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È uscito il numero 4/2024 di Global RE, il periodico di aggiornamento bibliografico a beneficio di molti colleghi europei che operano come formatori universitari dei futuri insegnanti di religione. Ne condividiamo l'indice e il fascicolo (PDF).

Global Religious Education (RE). Il numero 4/2024

An International Bibliographic Bulletin on Religious Education & Religious Studies around the World.
July - August 2024 ● vol. 3, issue 4, pages 1-45


Questo numero contiene una selezione di 168 abstract:

  • 16 volumi e tesi
  • 6 capitoli di libro
  • 7 documenti e relazioni
  • 75 articoli in riviste accademiche
  • 16 saggi e testi orientativi
  • 40 ricerche
  • 7 strumenti per l'istruzione religiosa



Countries, Geographic areas
Africa 90 • Albania 140,167 • Alsace et Moselle 166 • Arab Countries 96 • Argentina 17 • Australia 15,118,128 • Austria 114 • Belgium 39,50,95,117,129 • Bolivia 100 • Brasil 36,79,102,115,124 • Canada 48, 126 • China 43,122,147 • Croatia 57 • East Asia 70 • England 05,20,85 • Ethiopia 08,106,159 • Europe 06,20,55,61,96, 161 • France 46,50,51,116,166 • Germany 11,23,41,53,58,104,127,131,132,133,162,165 • Hong Kong 82 • India 03,135 • Indonesia 60,73,144,148 • Ireland 76,91,94,97 • Israel 46 • Italy 17,26,50,87,111,112,164 • Japan 54 • Latin America 49 • Luxembourg 28 • Macedonia 141 • Malaysia 13,73 • Mauritius 07 • Mexico 49 • Middle East 101 • Morocco 46,96 • The Netherlands 21,68 • Norway 74,83,92 • Pakistan 24 • Peru 25,113 • Poland 112,168 • Québec 89 • Repubblica di S. Marino 119 • Sahel 12,123 • Saudi Arabia 14 • Scandinavia 52 • Singapore 75 • Slovakia 108 • South Africa 138 • Spain 09,49,50,112,149 • Sri Lanka 37,125 • Sweden 16,84 • Syria 96 • Turkey 63 • Uganda 130 • UK 04,19,40,72,88, 93,163 • USA 10,38,67,134,159 • Uzbekistan 34 • Western Societies 150 • World 103,105 • Zimbabwe 31.

Religions, Churches, Cultures, Movements
Abrahamic Religions 146 • African Religions 12,138 • American Christian Nationalism 159 • Anglican Church 130 • Buddhism 60,81,82,125 • Catholicism 17,27,87,97,112,118 • Christianity 84 • Church of Norway 83 • Confucianism 43,70,122,147 • Deutsche Bishofskonferenz 41 • Ethiopian Orthodox Church 106 • Evangelism 164 • Fetishism 54 • Forest Churches of Ethiopia 159 • Hebraism 10,46,55 • Islam 02,03,05,72,101,163 • Orthodox Churches 106 • Protestantism 16,83,89,162 • World Evangelical Alliance 164.

Scientific Approaches
Anthropology 07,18,30,93,108,131 • Bibliometrics analysis 66 • Comparative analysis 06, 09, 17,20,49,50,60,66,70,73,92,101,105,112,121,135,161 • Didactics 19,22,47,62,79,87,92 • Epistemology 146 • Ethics 23, 81,119,134 • Ethnology 07,93 • History 10,16,45,46,74,104,116,149,166,167 • Law 01,08,11,17,24,26,29,34,48,51,83, 102,116,121,135,140,149,164 • Pedagogy 02,19,33,47,71,79,86,93,102,106,109,117,119,142 • Philosophy 15,32,33,38, 64,117,122,137,146 • Policy 08,28,31,40,48,55,58,60,61,67,72,100,103,107,113,125,135 • Psychology 01,18,22,33,56, 63,78,131 • Religionspädagogik 58,62,127 • Sociology 28,45,54,66,74,90,103,106,120,124,135,150,168 • Theologies 15,35,37,38,64,80,117,162.

Institutions, Public Bodies
Chambre des Députés du Luxembourg 28 • Department of Education (UK) 40 • EFTRE 06 • European Vergeland Centre 47 • Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) 55 • G20 International Forum 65 • Ministerio de Educación (Bolivia) 100 • South Africa Secular Society (SASS) 138.

RE range
Buddhist RE 60,82,125 • Catholic RE 09,41,57,68,111,148 • Changing RE 13,20,111,168 • Christian RE 130 • Critical RE 02 • Debate in RE 15,39,129,138 • Denominational RE 108,111 • Dialogisch-konfessionell RU 114, 127 • Didactical RE 22 • Digital RE 44,160 • English RE 40 • KRLE 92 • ‘Illegal’ RE 34,59 • Inclusive RE 136 • Intercultural RE 87,95,129 • Interpretative RE 20 • Interreligious RE 11,37,95 • Interworldview RE 117 • Islamic RE 02, 09,13,60, 94,109,133,141,143,160 • Multifaith RE 65 • Non-confessional RE 53,162 • Post-colonial/Decolonial RE 31,115 • RE about Religions 16 • RE for All 11 • Special RE 75 • Therapeutic RE 77.

Main subjects
Active Pluralism 87,95 • Adolescents/Students/Young 18,52,54,63,77,78,80,91,108,112,125,131,136, 145,148,150,165,168 • Agreed Syllabus 19 • Antisemitism 10,55,104 • Artificial Intelligence 110 • Beliefs 91 • Bible 68 • Buddhicised education 82 • Catholic School 37,71,118,128 • Childism 01 • Children rights 01,59,121 • Christian education 86 • Citizenship education 74 • Colonial/Post-Colonial education 74 • Competencies 07 • Cours philosophiques 129 • Covid 06,113,131 • Curricula 09,19,31,83,105 • Democracy 47,70 • Development 108 • Dialogue 12,97,123, 146,161 • Didactical model 22 • Digital Culture 44 • Ecospirituality 42,98 • Education/Reforms 20,31,40,61,76,83,137 • E-Learning 94 • Ethical Education 99 • Ethnicity 72,123 • Faith school 40,85 • Frankl V. 56 • Gender 165 • Halik T. 35 • Hate speech 08 • Higher Education 73,88,134,145 • Human Rights 01,08,48,69,122 • ICT 25,108,142 • Inclusion/ Inclusivity 122,136,150 • Interactive technology 94 • Interculturality 87,120,150 • Inter faith/religious Dialogue 90,107 • Interworldview education 117 • Laïcité 50,51,89,116 • Last Generation 58 • Learning style 86 • Logotherapy 56 • Madrasa 03,142 • Methodology 109,142,143,160 • Minorities rights 24,26,164,165 • ‘Multiculturalised secularism’ 103 • Parents/Children 21,34,121 • Peace education 57,123 • Pluralism 27,37 • Primary school 41,100,130 • Proselytism 29 • Qur’an 92 • Racism 104,11 • Radicalism/Radicalization 09,145 • Religion 39,45,52,64 • Religions 11,37,100 • Religiosity 56,77,91,148 • Religious authorities 12 • Religious diversity 38,103,124,128,136,137,163,167 • Religious freedom 149,164 • Religious instruction 15 • Religious literacy 04,14,65,126,143,144,145 • Religious Sciences 36 • Religious Studies 04,139 • School/Family 21 • Science 112,160 • Science vs religion 43,64 • Secondary school 02,04, 14,68,100,113,165 • The Secular/Post-secular, Secularism 32,35,101,135 • Socioemotional competencies 25 • Spiritual Learning/Formation 30,88,127,137 • Spiritualities 54,100,112,125 • State/Church 124 • State’s ethical neutrality 99 • Teacher training 13,73,97,118,126,133,162,168 • Textbooks 05,79,84 • Theological education 162 • Theologising 80 • Tolerance education 140,143 • Values 07,28,49,70,78,100,101,136 • Worldviews 53,117.

B Book, e-Book, Essay, Thesis | C Book Chapter | D Document, Act, Report | J Article, e-Article in academic Journal | P Paper, Project, Opinion | R Research, Inquiry, Survey | T Tool for RE, didactic Resource


Global RE

Global RE è un bollettino bibliografico multilingue con lo scopo di raccogliere una selezione di pubblicazioni accademiche su teorie e pratiche dell'istruzione religiosa in tutto il mondo.
Abbonamento e disiscrizione sono gratuiti.

Da qui puoi scaricare il nuovo numero di Global RE, 2024/4.


Questo numero è stato chiuso a fine agosto 2024
Prossimo numero: fine ottobre 2024


Editor: Flavio Pajer, Biblioteca per le Scienze Religiose
La Salle International Campus – via San Giacomo 4 – 31017 Pieve del Grappa, Italia (UE).
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