Venerdì, 16 Dicembre 2022 17:52

Global Religious Education (RE). Il nuovo numero

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È disponibile il secondo numero di Global RE, il nuovo periodico di aggiornamento bibliografico a beneficio dei molti colleghi europei che operano come formatori universitari dei futuri insegnanti di religione. L'indice e il fascicolo da scaricare.

Global RE

October-December 2022 ● vol. I, issue 4
An International Bibliographic Bulletin on Religious Education & Religious Studies around the World


Countries, Geographic areas
Afrika 102,120 - Alsace 160 - Anglosphere 136 - Australia 108,117,133,145,204 - Austria 140,176, 207- Balkans 157 - Belgium 165 - Bhutan 116 - Canada 109,124,164 - Cekia 190 - Chile 131,141,168,175,212,213 - England & Wales 115,119,123,182,195,202,210 - Estonia 200 - Europe 106,112,118,158,159,171,180,191 - Finland 186,205 - France 132,134, 141,153,196 - Germany 101,105,149,153,166,217,219 - Greece 161,193 - Iceland 141 - India 203 - Italy 110,169,179,183,206 - Kazakhstan 126 - Latin America 189,131,141,212 - Luxembourg 173 - Malaysia 155 - The Netherlands 128 - Niger 102 - Norway 152,186,199 - Poland 172 - Romania 201- Slovakia 184,190 - Spain 111,129,144,181,188,194,197 - Sweden 127,135,170,186 - Switzerland 141,215 - Turkey 158 - Uganda 147 - UK 114,148,151,154,185,187 - USA 104,146 - World 138,139,162,167,177,209 - Zambia 120.

Religions, Churches
Abrahamitic Monotheisms 101,179 - Buddhism 116 - Catholicism 132,169,190,214 - Christianism 135 - Islam 100,111,118,132,137,157,171,174 - Orthodox Churches 157,161,201 - Protestantism 162,217.

Academic Sciences
Anthropology 179,183,192,201,218 - Ethics 140,147,149,156,176,183,184,193,203,205 - History 153,172,179, 180,194 - Law 103,134,169,173,179,180,186,188,211 - Pedagogy 102,129,155,193,213,216 - Phenomenology 215 - Philosophy 124, 131,199,218 - Politics/Policy 185,152,191,208,209,216 - Psychology 164 - Sociology 142,151,161,164,177,181,189,214 - Religions- pädagogik 100,219 - Religious Sciences/Studies 104,114,167,179 - Theologies 123,129,162,165,167,211,214,218.

Institutions, Public Bodies
AKD Berlin 101 - ARK Alexandra Academy 104 - Bradford Interfaith Service 113 - CoRE 123,182 - Council of E. 112,180,191 - Georgetown Institute 137 - Global Catholic Education 138,139 - International Ministerial Conference 154 - MENA 171 - Ministère Ed. Nat. (LUX) 173 - OCRS 178 - Secretaría de Estado (ES) 197 -UPF 208 -US Institute of Peace 209.

RE range
Compulsory RE 105 - Curricula 100,111,129,175,185,197,200,210,219 - Confessional RE 175,179,188,206 - Didactics 100, 219 - Interdisciplinary RE 119 - Interfaith RE 113 - Interreligious approach 101,133,163,219 - Islamic RE 111,118,128,207- KokoRU 219 - Non-confessional RE 127,179,195,199,204 - Post-confessional inclusivist RE 130 - Protestant RE 120 - Teachers 119,124,136,179, 207 - Teaching about Religion 109,124,185 -Theoretical framework for RE 122,163,179,214.

Main subjects
Adolescents/Students/Youth 110,117,120,141,144,156,161,164,168,192 - Attitudes 105 - Beliefs 154,202 - Bible 217 - Bildung 100 - Catholic school 117,133,136,137,138,139,145,165,190 - Child 110, 121,148,151,152,173,202 - Citizenship educa- tion 143,144,128,212 - Competence 100,168 - Controverses 159 - Cosmopolitanism 218 - Covid.19 and RE 131 - Curriculum 111, 129,175, 188 - Development 193 - Dialog 126,213 - Diversity 113,146,166,181,210,216 - Ecology 143 - Girls’ education 137 - Human Rights 107,158,191 - Humanism 183 - Junior 103 - Knowledge 104,139,156,161,187 - Moral development 120,141,174 - Peace (education) 126,150, 209 - Qur’anic didactics 118 - Radicalization 142 - Religion 103,150,153,154,164,166,172,181,196 - Religions 101,126 - Religious freedom 103,126,160,169,208,211 - Religious Literacy 127,187,198,200 - Religious prejudice 192 - Religious research 114,124,170 - School 123,134,166,170,179,216 - Science 119 - Secularism 112,130,132,152,153,190,202 - Social justice 148 - Spirituality 110,121, 151,174,183,215 - Teacher 136,145,147,151,170,205,215 - Textbook 135 - Tolerance 209 - University 114,157,179,196 - Values 106,203 - Violence 138 - “Vokisme” 196 - Worldviews 108,115,124,172,177,178,182,198.

Name index (issues 1-4): pp. 30-33.

Identification: • B = Book, essay • D = Document • J = article in academic Journal • P = Paper • T = Tool for RE.


Da qui puoi scaricare il numero di Global RE.


Global RE

Global RE è un bollettino bibliografico multilingue con lo scopo di raccogliere una selezione di pubblicazioni accademiche su teorie e pratiche dell'educazione religiosa in tutto il mondo.


Abbonamento e disiscrizione sono gratuiti.
Prossimo numero: 31 dicembre 2022
Editor: Flavio Pajer, Biblioteca per le Scienze Religiose
Corso Trapani 25, I-10139 Torino, UE
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