Lunedì, 20 Marzo 2023 00:12

È uscito il primo numero del 2023 di Global Religious Education

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È disponibile il primo numero del secondo volume di Global RE, il periodico di aggiornamento bibliografico a beneficio dei molti colleghi europei che operano come formatori universitari dei futuri insegnanti di religione. L'indice e il fascicolo da scaricare.

Global RE

January - March 2023 ● vol. II, issue 1
An International Bibliographic Bulletin on Religious Education & Religious Studies around the World


Countries, Geographic areas
Alsace-Moselle 65 – Asia (Centre region) 94 – Asia-Pacific region 03 – Australia 29, 84 – Austria 83 – Bahrein 23 – Belgium 52 – Brazil 95 – Canada 32 – Colombia 15 – Croatia 71 – Denmark 54 – Ecuador 43 – England 55, 66, 87, 91, 96–Europe25,28,31,46,73,88,98,99–Finland79–France02,10,42,55,58– Germany18,51,55,59,70,75,76,78,81,92– Global South 36 – Greece 45 – Hungary 63 – India 44 – Indonesia 41 – Ireland 39 – Italy 09, 13, 17, 20, 40 – Japan 30, 37 – Latin America 27, 43 – Malta 82 – Morocco 67 – Mayotte 10 – The Netherlands 61 – North Ireland 16, 62, 74, 89 – Northern Europe 48 - Norway 38, 86 – Poland 77 – Russia 14 – Scotland 26 – Spain 27, 33, 55 – Süd Tirol 20 – Sweden 06 – Switzerland 19 – Turkey 07, 49 – UK 26 – USA 12, 53, 94 – Western Europe 34 – World 26.

Religions, Churches
Abrahamitic Monotheisms 47 – Anglican Church 29 – Buddhism 76 – Christianity 54, 99 – Hebraism 12, 47 – Hindu 44 – Islam 07, 09, 67, 80 – Orthodox Churches 35 – Protestantism 06, 32, 48 – Religious Minorities 28.

Academic Sciences
Anthropology 37 – Ethics 20, 51, 69, 84 – Ethnography 95 – History 30, 34, 36, 41, 45, 47, 58, 63, 65 – Law 07, 13,25, 28, 32, 41, 51, 93 – Pedagogy 02, 12, 24, 50, 52, 60, 62, 71, 76, 85, 90 – Phenomenology 37 – Philosophy 08 – Politics/Policy 22, 31, 44, 52 – Psychology 11, 33, 69, 100 – Sociology 03, 17, 21, 34, 35, 36, 49, 53 – Theologies 60, 70, 75, 86, 99.

Institutions, Public Bodies
APNME 03 – CNESCO 02 – Conferencia episcopal de Colombia 15 – Council of Europe 16 – European Commission 24 – FRA 25 – ICA 40 – OECD 21 – PRIMED 17 – SACRE 87 – Secretariat for Education in Catholic School (Malta) 82 – TEAM 24 – UK Parliament 91.

RE range
Catholic RE 13, 15, 20, 53 – Compulsory RE 06, 07 – Confessional RE 71 – Curricula 29 – Decolonising RE 97 - Didactics 29, 80, 92 – Education Act 01 – Interdisciplinary RE 18, 85 – Interfaith RE 61 – Interreligious Education 08, 19, 50 – Islamic RE 07, 31, 41, 52, 56, 67, 80, 83 – Non-denominational RE 06, 19, 51, 78, 86, 96 – RE management 04 – Religious Instruction 01 – Secular RE 04 – Special RE 29 – Teacher 01, 02, 36, 40, 42, 57, 61, 62, 81, 83 – Teaching about Religion 66 – Theoretical framework for RE 04, 73, 87.

Main subjects
Adolescents/Students/Youth 09, 11, 13, 29, 33, 36, 90 – Beliefs 11, 48, 62 – Bildung 59 – Catholic school 39, 42, 64, 96 – Child 16, 25, 79, 100 – Christian schools 84 – Church/State 13, 39, 63, 73, 89 – Citizenship education 52, 67 – Controverses 07, 08, 10, 50, 74 – Cultural heritage 54 – Curriculum 66, 91 – Dialog 23, 24 ,47, 52, 61 – Diversity 17, 19, 24, 33, 46, 57, 59, 73, 83, 88 – Education 49, 63 ,70, 72 – Education systems 21 – Fait religieux 58 – Future 18, 87, 99 – Hilmah model 52 – Human Rights 07, 16, 25, 34, 54, 79 – Humanism 06 – Interreligious Studies 60 – Islamic Education 14, 67 ,92 – Islamic Veil 55 – Jewish Education 12 – Laïcité 10, 42, 45, 58, 93 – Moral Education 02, 03, 27, 51 – Nationalism 63, 74 – Neutrality 02, 06, 88 – Parents 11, 49 – Peace (education) 64, 77 – Qur’anic didactics 80 – Religion 04, 30, 93 – Religions 23, 37, 60, 85 – Religious freedom 32, 94 – Religious Literacy 05, 17, 22 – Religious research 11, 17, 24, 38, 42 – Secular society 04, 22, 34, 48, 49 – Sexuality 53 – Social justice 05, 64 – Spirituality 48, 92 – Teacher 57 – Technology 03 – Textbook 31, 44, 45, 60 – Tolerance 94, 95 – Universal fraternity 77 – University 46, 53, 75 – Values 27, 69 – Worldviews 04, 66, 72.


Da qui puoi scaricare il numero 1/2023 di Global RE


Global RE

Global RE è un bollettino bibliografico multilingue con lo scopo di raccogliere una selezione di pubblicazioni accademiche su teorie e pratiche dell'educazione religiosa in tutto il mondo.

Abbonamento e disiscrizione sono gratuiti.
Prossimo numero: 30 giugno 2023
Editor: Flavio Pajer, Biblioteca per le Scienze Religiose
Corso Trapani 25, I-10139 Torino, UE
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