Domenica, 04 Giugno 2023 00:11

Global Religious Education (RE). Il numero 2/2023

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È disponibile il secondo numero di Global RE, il nuovo periodico di aggiornamento bibliografico a beneficio dei molti colleghi europei che operano come formatori universitari dei futuri insegnanti di religione. L'indice e il fascicolo da scaricare.


Global RE

April – May 2023 ● vol. 2, issue 2
An International Bibliographic Bulletin on Religious Education & Religious Studies around the World


Countries, Geographic areas
Africa 05 - Albania 59 - Alsace-Moselle 73 - Australia 35,80 - Austria 10,52,53 - Belgium 98 - Bosnia & Herzegovina 84 - Brazil 09,17,72,80 - Bulgaria 62 - Canada 33,56 - Cape Coast (Ghana) 63 - Chile 29 - China 21 - Colombia 90 - Croatia 39 - Emirates 32 - East Asia 57 - England 12,43 - Europe 14,24,28,40,50,61,62,74,82,83,93,94 - Finland 77 - France 15,23, 65 - Germany 04,16,34,38,47,52,54,69,77 - Greece 100 - Hong Kong 21 - Hungary 62 - Indonesia 41,60,67 - Ireland 70,71 - Israel 37 - Italy 13,18,58,76,87 - Japan 56 - Java (Indonesia) 68 - Latin America 07,22 - Libya 02 - Mexico 22 - Morocco 45 - Netherlands 66 - Northern Ireland 43 - Norway 86 - Pakistan 03,49 - Poland 78,99 - Québec 16,56 - Russia 85 - Serbia 89 - Scotland 88 - South Africa 97 - Spain/Catalunya 06,22 - Sweden 01,26,64 - UK 11,43,44 - USA 31,48,51,80 - World 30,34,36,79,92,96.

Religions, Churches
Abrahamitic Monotheisms 10 - Atheistic/Non-Religious Organisations 39 - Baha’i 35 - Buddhism 35 - Catholicism 23,49,61,62,68,83 - Christianity 05,26,35,36,95 - European Organisations 40 - Hebraism 32,35,36,37 - Hinduism 11,35 - Islam 02,03,05,23,32,35,45,60 - Protestantism 01,20,26,44,64,80 - Shintoism 57 - Tribal/Traditional Religions or Cultures 05.

Academic Sciences
Anthropology 07,19 - Canon Law 16,25,96 - Epistemology 95 - Ethics 01,08 - History 09,10,50,59,61,73,94 - Law 01,13,17,21,24,28,42,48,56,58,73,74,78,86,87,91,93 - Pedagogy/Didactics 09,17,27,28,38,46,53,55,74,76,79,82,96,100 - Phenomenology 07,19,100 - Philosophy 27,39,42,86 - Politics/Policy 05,15,33,40,92,97 - Psychology 03,06,11,49,99 - Sociology 05,06,08,11,20,21,34,35,39,53,59,61,68,72,77,79 - Religionspädagogik 38 - Religious Sciences/Studies 14,17,47,54,63,76 - Theologies 19,54,86,95,96.

Institutions, Public Bodies
Agence internationale de Presse Coranique 02 - Bundeskanzleramt 10 – Conference in Religious Studies 14 - Council of Europe 40 - Government of Canada 33 - Human Rights European Court 87,93 - Humanist UK 43 - ICRES 44 - Inter- Parliamentary Union 45 - IRENE Project 46 – Ministère de l’Education du Québec 17 -Together Association 88 - United Nations 91 - USCIRF 92 - World Council of Churches 96.

RE range
Compulsory RE 90 - Confessional RE 04,58,72,73,89,90 - Innovative RE 46 - Interdisciplinary RE 09,18 - Interfaith RE 04,06,35,46,66 - Interreligious Education 06,21,35,46 - Islamic RE 02,03,28,41,53,54,84,85,98 - Knowledge in RE 27,51- Models of RE 20,29,30,36,74 - Non-confessional RE 04,09,86 - Non-denominational RE 26,74 - Oecumenical RE 70 - Phenomenological RE 100 - Pluralistic Islamic RE 67 - Post-confessional Inclusivist RE 20 - Religionskunde 04,43 – RE Teachers 12,16,43 - Special RE 35 - Theoretical framework for RE 46,79,81,86.

Main subjects
Adolescents/Students/Young 06,07,11,19,49,89 - Adults/Parents 03,13,17,43,53,58,91,99 - Argumentation 12 - Attitudes 03,49,72 - Beliefs 11,20,33,91,92,99 - Catholic School 23,68,83,94 - Child/Minor 02,13,87,88,97 - Citizenship Education 18,19 - Competences 06,52 - Conferences Alert 14,44 - Constructivism 55 - Controverses 06,72,97,98 - Curriculum 19,41,51,63,66, 70,71 - Dialog 45 - Diversity 10,20,21,42,46,76,94 - Dress code 97 - Early Childhood 71 - East Asian Religions 57 - Education 15, 48 - Ethical Heritage 26 - Higher Education 31,51,63,82,89 - Future 74,83 - Human Rights 01,40 - Humanism 43 - Identity 10 - Knowledge/Memorization 02,51,81 - Migration/Mobility 05 - Moral education/development 03,08,19,22,70,91- Music pedagogy 50,69 - Polyculturalism 77 - Postmodernity 95 - Private Schools 23,80 - Public Schools 78,79,86 - Peace (education) 18,45 - Persecutions 92 - Pularity 20 - Qur’anic didactics 02,45,60 - Religion 20 - Religions 05,07,10,20,47 – Religiosity 51 - Religious Freedom 13,17,24, 25,33,87,91,92 - Religious Literacy 04,10,18,20,26,27,81 - Religious Minority 68 - Religious Rights 25 - School systems 15, 19,29 - Science 12 - Secularism/Secularity/Laïcité 09,20,21,24,34,56,61,64,65,84 - Shoah/Holocaust 32,37 - Social Justice 62,77 - Spirituality 07,39,75,90 - State (and Churches) 48,72,78,80,88 - Teacher formation and praxis 12,16,31,46,75,77, 82,84,89,98 - Textbook 37 - Theory-Practice 47 - University 31 - Values 22,100 - Worldviews 30,31,75.

Typology: B = Book, essay D = Document, Act J = Article in academic Journal P = Paper T = Tool for RE.


Da qui puoi scaricare il nuovo numero di Global RE.

Global RE

Global RE è un bollettino bibliografico multilingue con lo scopo di raccogliere una selezione di pubblicazioni accademiche su teorie e pratiche dell'educazione religiosa in tutto il mondo.

Abbonamento e disiscrizione sono gratuiti.
Prossimo numero: fine agosto 2023
Editor: Flavio Pajer, Biblioteca per le Scienze Religiose
La Salle International Campus
Via San Giacomo, 4 – 31017 Pieve del Grappa (TV), Italy
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